Results of the contest “CommitStrip is 1 year old”

Hi everyone!

First of all, thanks for all your submissions, we received around 350 \o/ You guys rock!

So we went through all your strips, several times, and had a hard time choosing “the one”.

In the end we settled for Rico’s submission: it had themes we can all relate to (not enough manpower, not enough girls coding) as well as an unexpected ending. Good job Rico, you win our very first CommitStrip contest. The drawing and the mug are all yours!

Want a mug or stickers for yourself? The CommitStrip MiniStore will soon* be online! We might as well add a few t-shirts on those shelves, we’ll keep you posted!

And of course, thanks to our brand new bubble-filling-contest-system© there will be more contests in the future!

Thanks again! Cheers!

CommitStrip team 

* “soon”, as in “we-don’t-quite-know-when-yet”


He wins the mug + the drawing

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